From NASA to “Money Muse”, Stephanie Xenos is Retired at 32

Salomé Gómez-Upegui
6 min readDec 7, 2018

You read that title right, Stephanie Xenos is 32 and doesn’t have to worry about money ever again. If she wanted to, she could lay back and stare at the ceiling for the rest of her days, and although you might think “she probably comes from a wealthy family (because what other explanation could there be?)”, it’s far from the case.

Stephanie is a self-made woman, the only child of a single mother, who from a young age, took the idea of financial freedom very seriously. She’s also a badass physicist who got her first job at NASA at 21 and worked at SpaceX until last year, where she was the head of many firsts, including the launch of the first SpaceX satellite and the first private mission that sent live mice to space.

This year, her life took a huge turn. After deciding to retire, she had enough free time and resources to honestly ask herself what her heart wanted next. The answer? Money Muse, a financial coaching service that helps women achieve their money goals. Pretty amazing, right?

How does one go from NASA to retiring at 32, to Money Muse? Stephanie answered all of those questions in our interview. Read on to get the full scoop.

Why do you care about women and money?

